rotl - Interface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API
An interface to the 'Open Tree of Life' API to retrieve phylogenetic trees, information about studies used to assemble the synthetic tree, and utilities to match taxonomic names to 'Open Tree identifiers'. The 'Open Tree of Life' aims at assembling a comprehensive phylogenetic tree for all named species.
Last updated 2 years ago
11.31 score 40 stars 14 dependents 356 scripts 2.5k downloadsphylobase - Base Package for Phylogenetic Structures and Comparative Data
Provides a base S4 class for comparative methods, incorporating one or more trees and trait data.
Last updated 1 years ago
11.14 score 18 stars 18 dependents 394 scripts 6.0k downloads
foghorn - Summarize CRAN Check Results in the Terminal
The CRAN check results and where your package stands in the CRAN submission queue in your R terminal.
Last updated 8 months ago
8.76 score 58 stars 21 scripts 79k downloadsrncl - An Interface to the Nexus Class Library
An interface to the Nexus Class Library which allows parsing of NEXUS, Newick and other phylogenetic tree file formats. It provides elements of the file that can be used to build phylogenetic objects such as ape's 'phylo' or phylobase's 'phylo4(d)'. This functionality is demonstrated with 'read_newick_phylo()' and 'read_nexus_phylo()'.
Last updated 2 years ago
7.80 score 9 stars 48 dependents 22 scripts 8.9k downloadsriceware - A Diceware Passphrase Implementation
The Diceware method can be used to generate strong passphrases. In short, you roll a 6-faced dice 5 times in a row, the number obtained is matched against a dictionary of easily remembered words. By combining together 7 words thus generated, you obtain a password that is relatively easy to remember, but would take several millions years (on average) for a powerful computer to guess.
Last updated 4 years ago
3.30 score 4 stars 5 scripts 157 downloads